Key Elements of the HRM Challenges in the Technology Era 21st Century
Key Elements of the HRM Challenges in the Technology Era
21st Century
There is a strong belief that the roots of the Human Resource Management discipline were extracted from organizational psychology discipline. However, there are some challenges for successful organizations to achieve their goals. The wise organization leadership relies on human capital development and enhancement as they are the real engine of any day to day work. This paper aims to investigate the Challenges of Human Resource Management Professionals in COVID-19 Pandemic and Human Resource Management Challenges in the 21st century (technology era). Highlighting the importance of human resource manager’s challenges are the main objectives of this paper as well as the HRM influencing factors. Also, it is trying to elaborate on the challenges caused by COVID-19 and the recent 21st century.
No doubt, human resources management is the beating heart of any successful organization with an insight into the future that seeks to achieve its vision, goals, and strategic plan. The organization’s leaders are always trying hard to reach the organization goal not only by giving the orders but through following up what has been agreed on based on the organization strategic plan.The HRM has to work really strict and hard to provide the organization with valuable and excellent employees, recruit, orient, train, and so on. Small, medium and large organizations, whether a Micro or big business doing, public or private they all, in fact, doing all the possible to recruit the best talented, professional staff and ensure keep them for the longest period of time healthy and satisfied, so they can perform the best they can to meet the organization goals. Perhaps, by not doing so, the organization will not arrive at its final destination wished to reach, it is really will be difficult to achieve its objectives.
However, for organization to do so it perhaps will face some or verities of challenges some of these challenges have been studied and to some extend solved in different strategies and some are still under great controversy. However, there are several challenges that HR managers face while trying to manage their human resources efficiently. HR issues can be highly challenging and can sometimes lead to escalating HR costs. It is why leadership and HR managers must focus on making policies that drive employee motivation and job satisfaction. Despite everything, the HR managers regularly come across challenges that affect organizational productivity.
In today’s world, where technology is playing significant roles in today’s modern businesses, it becomes really unwise for organizations to operate effectively in the business world if the human force not well equipped with the latest technology and techniques. It is an integral part of the functions of HRM and responsibilities to ensure that all the staff properly train the workforce and to see what are the basic needs for the human force to achieve the competitive advantages of business in the 21st century. Today’s HRM facing a variety of issues and challenges that how they can best manage and solve all the arising issues and challenges with splendid ways. HRM facing a variety of challenges to meet these challenges for the future, tomorrow the humane recourse department must be much sophisticated than their predecessors
Literature Review
Literature is rich in expectation regarding the HRM challenges as well as the expectations of the new elements and obstacles might be faced by HR. A decade ago Luthans (1998), reported that organizations in the 21st century will have to face new competition and changes in the world economics. Although internationalization and information technology receive most of the attention in this new environment, deregulation may prove to be the most complex and far-reaching change affecting many industries. It is a fact that these organizations are facing unprecedented change and competition in the 21st century (Luthans, 1998). Although internationalization and information technology receive most of the attention in this new environment, deregulation may prove to be the most complex and far reaching change affecting many industries.
Several researchers point out that there are a variety of challenges considered to be the most challenging elements that HR facing in our 21st, these challenges are retention of the employees, globalization, retrenchment of the employees, women workforce, multicultural workforce, change in the demand of the government, technology, and initiating the process of change (Hashim, 2016). Indeed, continuous development in any sector is the most vital element for any work to be accomplished well, therefore, leadership development is on the most important top ten human resources challenges, then organizational effectiveness, change management, and compensation. However, it’s worthy to mention that some researchers pointed out in the earlier of 2000s that technology, E-commerce, workforce diversity, globalization, and ethical consideration of the organization which may directly or indirectly affect the organization competitive advantages, especially with technological advancement the effect on recruitment, training and development and job
we perhaps agreed that these are the most important Functions, but new functions might raise based on the new roles and responsibilities.
Below are HRMs functions in 21st century:
• Human resource planning.
• Job Analysis design.
• Recruitment and Selection.
• Orientation and Induction.
• Training and Development.
• Promotion/Transfer/Termination.
• Compensation and remuneration.
• Motivation, welfare, health and safety.
• Industrial Relation.
• Maintenance & equal employment.
This paper aims to identify the challenges faced HR in the coming century and during the COVID-19 pandemic; the study targeted all HR Professionals either managers, directors, unities or heads. Professionals who could be academics will need to participate in the study tool. Perhaps, mixed methods research is a systematic integration of quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study for purposes of obtaining a better picture and deeper understanding of a phenomenon. Mixed methods can be integrated in such a way that qualitative and quantitative methods maintain their original structures and procedures
Data Analysis
The paper stands for interviewing the concerns HR experts as they are the study target to answer the structured questioner. The gathered data from these tools were analyzed after checking the data screening process then the reliability and ofAs mentioned earlier, the study aims to identify the main challenges faced by HRM in the 21st century (technology era) and during the COVID-19 Pandemic, therefore, the quantitatively analyze the relationship between multiple variables was needed and correspondingly to this need, the cross-tabulation analysis was used to describe the situation as reported by the responses.
Study Results
This section displays the analyzed data based on the gathered information, the demographic variables of responses are expressed in below Figure 1. Although the random sampling techniques were applied, Figure 1 displays the demographic variables of responses, it shows that females were contributed to the study with 19.6% where Male represents 80.4%. This could be interpreted as the total number of responses were male which can be understood that the majority of those who work in HRM are male. This could be one explanation where might be due to the responder’s rate were highly from males than females.
The HRM roles become day by day more challenging roles, the factors surrounding these roles are more real now, which confirmed by this study. This study aimed to examine the challenges faced by HR Professionals and HRM in the 21st century (the era of technology). Empirical findings indicated that there are some different challenges faced the HRM Professionals in the 21st century (the era of technology) in terms of the HRM priorities (Luthans, 1998). The study was conducted during the COVID-19 quarantine times, where getting in touch with the respondents was a bit difficult, however, the study mange to achieve its goals. These challenges are similar to these challenges being mentioned in the related literature. Leadership development was one of the highest challenges faced by HRM. To sum up, as the employees are the hub of the organization, it is important for an organization to concentrate more on leadership development aspect to be examined, trained and follow-up in every organization.
A Best review about HRM challenges in the 21st century's technology era and leadership development and technology integration.
ReplyDeleteC19 encouraged HR to step up backed by technology . No 2 words, structure bit of advance
ReplyDeleteAs mentioned here, organizations faced the biggest challenge in this century. Covid-19 made it worse. Extraordinary pressure was put on the human resource department. Many things are clearly contained in this blog.
ReplyDeleteComprehensively discussed the different challenges in relation to the organizations and people management.
ReplyDeleten the dynamic landscape of the 21st century, the infusion of technology has brought about profound transformations across industries, prompting Human Resource Management (HRM) to adapt and evolve. The challenges faced by HRM in this technology era are characterized by a unique set of key elements:
ReplyDeleteThe 21st century is a time of rapid technological change, and this is having a significant impact on the field of human resource management (HRM).
ReplyDeleteRecognizing employees as the foundation of an organization highlights the importance of emphasizing comprehensive leadership development activities across all organizations,
ReplyDeleteIn the 21st century technology era, HRM faces challenges like adapting to rapid technological changes, managing remote work, fostering digital skills, and maintaining a human-centric approach amidst automation.